

Tattoo artists use the technique for different applications. Fading for cover-ups is classic, but corrections or complete removals, especially of name tattoos, are also popular. The areas of application are almost unlimited, especially for these users, once you understand the mechanism of action.

Client wanted to remove two light colours within the tattoo. Tattoo goes around the whole arm. A total of 9 filigree treatments without laser by a SKINIAL practitioner, then the tattoo artist re-stitched the edges. No pain, no scars, all colours, treatment intervals (6-8 weeks) - photo 4 months after last treatment.

Places with a lot of pigment need more treatments than places with low pigment density. After 3 treatments, the tattoo artist decided that it was sufficiently faded for the desired motif.

Not only black, but also very intense colours like red here make the choice of motif for a cover-up more difficult. With lightening (here 4 treatments) more options can be chosen regarding colour choice and motif.

If large, dark, flat tattoos are to be changed by a cover-up, the only option is usually an even larger, darker motif. With lightening (here in 3 treatments), the tattoo artist has the possibility to use more colour and more motifs for the cover-up. The method does not damage the natural skin structure and the risk of scars is practically non-existent. 

The detail shows that there were already attempts to remove the pigmentation. After three lightnings, most of the pigment was removed and the client or his tattoo artist was satisfied.

Cosmetic lightening without laser of a cover-up 25x30 cm with micropigmentation device before over tattooing. A total of 4 treatments. No pain, no scars, all colours, short treatment intervals (3-4 weeks).

The close-up shows how one treatment has already removed the pigments and the natural silhouette is revealed again.

Sensitive spot on the foot with a green motif, which the tattoo artist removed with 4 SKINIAL treatments, replacing it with a motif of leaves.