Laser Removal causes toxic Hydrogen Cyanide – German Health Authorities

Laser Removal causes toxic Hydrogen Cyanide – German Health Authorities


For the first time, the BfR (Federal Office for Risk Assessment) has proven that several dangerous, because toxic, degradation products were produced during tattoo removal with lasers of blue ink. Among others, benzene, and hydrogen cyanide in high cell-damaging concentrations.

Benzene is an aromatic hydrocarbon that is very harmful to the human organism even in small quantities. The carcinogenic effect leads to damage of the genetic material. Even a benzene concentration of 2 % in the air we breathe leads to death after only 5 – 10 minutes.

Hydrocyanic acid or cyanide is a colorless, fast-acting toxic gas that can easily enter the bloodstream through the skin due to the small size of its molecules. “Given that a dose of five micrograms per milliliter in the blood can already be lethal, local hydrogen cyanide concentrations of 30 micrograms are worrisome” said Schreiver and her colleagues.

Alarmed by the direct detection of dangerous substances, the BfR will in future increasingly investigate fission products from laser tattoo removal.

“Laser treatment produces toxic substances in dangerous concentrations,” central statement of the BfR

The BfR now used modern analytical equipment to examine the fission products produced during laser irradiation. The BfR team included the renowned scientists Ines Schreiver, Peter Laux, Andreas Luch and others). The result was:

(…) “We were able to show for the first time that laser treatment of a tattoo pigment in aqueous suspension produces substances in concentrations that would be high enough to cause cell damage in the skin,” said BfR President Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel


How dangerous is hydrogen cyanide for humans?

Hydrogen cyanide is a colorless to slightly yellowish, flammable, volatile and water-soluble substance. It is highly toxic and is also used for pest control and, unfortunately, has often been used against humans in the past. Due to a disturbance of the oxygen transport in the cells, excessive consumption leads to internal asphyxiation. Brain and heart cells are particularly affected by this cell death. Symptoms of acute prussic acid poisoning are shortness of breath, cramps and unconsciousness. Regular consumption can lead to neurological disorders.

Who is the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)?

The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) reports to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. It advises the Federal Government and the Länder on questions of food, chemical and product safety. The Institute has no financial interests and regularly publishes its findings. The assessments are generally accepted by the public and the authorities.

In the present study, the pigment phthalocyanine blue was examined in the context of laser removal. This pigment is the most used blue in tattoo colors. For the laser removal, a NANO laser, Q-switched Nd:YAG laser was used as it is usually used by dermatologists for laser removal.


Source Article Citations

  • Schreiver, I. et al. The formation of highly toxic prussic acid on ruby laser irradiation of tattoo pigment phthalocyanine blue. Sci. Rep. 5 , 12915; doi: 10.1038 / srep12915 (2015).
  • Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Institute for Chemical and Product Safety, Max-Dohrn-Straße 8-10, 10589 Berlin, Germany.
  • Ines Schreiver, Christoph Hutzler, Peter Laux & Andreas Luch

Posted on

3. February 2025.