Who is actually allowed to “laser” today and how did it come about?
Many have been predicting for years that the tattoo trend would soon peak, but the trend is still going strong. We are even seeing an acceleration with the new fashion of getting large tattoos. As constantly as the number of tattoos increases, so does the number of people who, for many reasons, want to part with a tattoo at some point or want a correction.
In the past, the only option was to have your tattoo lasered. Tattoo artists also offered laser tattoo removal. Those who had a lot of experience also achieved very good results until it was forbidden by law.
In more and more countries, laser treatments may only be carried out by doctors and a few specialists. In our experience, however, only specialised laser clinics that work with several different lasers (for different pigment colours of the tattoos) and have experienced, trained professionals who perform a large number of treatments are really to be recommended. Unfortunately, this does not apply to all dermatologists, some of whom have hardly any practical experience with removals and often also work with laser devices that are too powerful and therefore completely unsuitable.
Since 2009, several cosmetic methods have been developed in parallel that enable removal or correction without lasers. At first, there was a lot of secrecy and little experience in the industry, which was entirely in the interest of the laser doctors, who for years engaged in “bashing” by claiming, against their better knowledge, that the laser-free methods would cause scars or be illegal, whereas the laser was described as gold status. Obviously, the aim behind this was to get rid of the annoying competition from cosmeticians after the tattooists.
“Laser treatments are very dangerous for humans” say German authorities in scientific studies and tattoo artists’ associations
In the past, when every tattoo artist was allowed to work with lasers, problems, scars or “accidents” during laser treatments were readily discussed by the media. Since doctors have been treating, however, they have been hushed up. Fortunately, the regulatory authorities are finally taking an interest, at least in Germany.
For example, the German Federal Office for Risk Assessment already published a scientific study on 5 August 2015 in the journal “SCIENTIFIC REPORT”, which belongs to the “Nature Publishing Group“, according to which toxic and cell-destroying substances are produced during normal tattoo removal with the laser.
The treatise is very medical and describes the treatment and the examination result in scientific detail. Here you can find the full report, and all sources, which also includes an extensive commentary by a major German tattoo association. Anyone seriously interested in the subject must read this study.
However, the powerful doctors’ lobby has no interest in further investigations, so that the further investigations announced by the BfR have not been published, at least until now.
As a result, the authority and also the tattooists’ association confirm that uncontrollable chemical reactions of the pigment ink occur during laser treatment due to the enormous heat of the laser. The resulting new toxic compounds are poisonous and cell-damaging and are completely beyond the control of the practitioner. No one can say exactly which substances are produced and what short and long-term effects these new chemical substances have in the skin, the organism and especially the sensitive lymph nodes.
If the authorities were responsible for supervising and controlling medical activities, laser tattoo removal would be banned immediately after these disastrous scientific results. But since doctors supervise themselves, the authorities ignore these shocking results because they are not competent.
You should never have the following removals done with lasers
Laser treatment is not recommended under any circumstances for sensitive skin, in sensitive areas, for permanent make-up on the face and for most light colours as well as on cover-ups, because there can be severe damage on and in the skin, respectively the effect can fail even after many treatments and hair follicles and melanocytes (cells in the skin that form the skin pigment melanin) can definitely be destroyed.
It is a myth that a laser removes pigments from the skin. The laser uses strong radiation energy and heat of up to 900°C to break up the pigments at best, which are then transported through the lymphatic channels to the lymph nodes and stored there. The pigments are not broken down by the body and remain there until death. The blockage of the lymph nodes can affect the functioning of the lymphs, which are an important production site for hormones and our immune defence.

Incised lymph node with green and black tattoo pigments (post mortem)
Source YouTube: https://de-de.facebook.com/quarks.de/videos/so-sehen-deine-lymphknoten-aus-wenn-du-ein-grünes-tattoo-hast/283903538887854/