Interested customers, beauticians, tattoo artists and doctors receive treatment know-how and well-researched background information about the important topics in our industry. We choose our sources carefully. Information on other, partly scientific, sources can be found at the end of the article.

Our blog provides competent information on all aspects of tattoo removal

How does cosmetic tattoo removal without laser with SKINIAL work

How does cosmetic tattoo removal without laser with SKINIAL work

Based on 6 essential aspects, we explain how cosmetic tattoo and PMU removal with SKINIAL works, both SKINIAL methods, the benefits, ...

Product Information Tattoo Removal for Doctors

Product Information Tattoo Removal for Doctors

Dear Doctors You may have been visited by a patient who is expecting information from you about a rare but possible side effect of a ...

Laser Removal causes toxic Hydrogen Cyanide – German Health Authorities

Laser Removal causes toxic Hydrogen Cyanide – German Health Authorities

Summary: For the first time, the BfR (Federal Office for Risk Assessment) has proven that several dangerous, because toxic, degradation

Side effects of tattoo removal

Side effects of tattoo removal

SKINIAL is a pioneer and the only company in the world that has been exclusively researching cosmetic tattoo removal. We draw our ...

Legal Assessment of Cosmetic Tattoo Removal   

Legal Assessment of Cosmetic Tattoo Removal   

Is SKINIAL cosmetics a medical device or a tattooing product? This question occupied us for several years from 2011 to 2017, when ...

Cosmetic Tattoo Removal in the eyes of National Authorities worldwide

Cosmetic Tattoo Removal in the eyes of National Authorities worldwide

Legal basis and handling of authorities in cosmetic tattoo removal. Practical experience in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, ...

Tattoo removal scars – many doctors “preach water and drink wine”

Tattoo removal scars – many doctors “preach water and drink wine”

While many doctors warn about scars from cosmetic tattoo removal, at the same time they inform their patients about possible severe ...

Scars from laser tattoo removal

Scars from laser tattoo removal

This topic is hushed up by the press because the doctors’ lobby threatens to withdraw advertisements. We report on our clients’ ...

Medium and Large Tattoo Removal

Medium and Large Tattoo Removal

Medium-sized tattoos are rarely found on the face. They are almost always body tattoos, which usually contain significantly more tattoo

Removal of Eyelid and Eyeliner

Removal of Eyelid and Eyeliner

Removing pigment from eyelids and eyeliner is easy with SKINIAL. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. What if you have ...

Removal of Small Tattoos

Removal of Small Tattoos

Does it matter in the removal or correction whether a small tattoo or a name tattoo is old or young, professionally or unprofessionally

Remove or correct eyebrows

Remove or correct eyebrows

Eyebrow removal and correction is a classic at SKINIAL. Why does the pigment colour change in the first place? What to do? Correction ...

Tattoo removal for tattoo artists

Tattoo removal for tattoo artists

Cosmetic tattoo removal without laser with SKINIAL removes any type and any color from the skin with one or a few treatments. The ...

THE LASER LIE – What you definitely didn’t know about laser treatments yet

THE LASER LIE – What you definitely didn’t know about laser treatments yet

Who is actually allowed to “laser” today and how did it come about? Many have been predicting for years that the tattoo trend would ...

Removal of lip contours

Removal of lip contours

How to achieve perfect lip contour removal Lip correction is not a difficult treatment with SKINIAL. It doesn’t take long either. Even ...


Our work is based on the tried and tested SKINIAL removal products and established methods from Germany, which have been in use since 2009. Before each treatment, we take time for a personal consultation in which your practitioner will explain the process to you in detail. We are also happy to show you before-and-after pictures of our previous results.

Number and duration of treatments

The number of treatments required varies from person to person and depends on factors such as size, location, skin type and pigment colour. The more intense the pigmentation, the more treatments may be required. Our experienced practitioners can realistically assess whether one or more treatments are necessary for complete removal.

Each treatment takes about an hour. To achieve the best possible result and avoid complications, it is important to protect the treated area after the treatment. Avoid sun, water and physical exertion for some time. You will receive detailed aftercare instructions on site.

SKINIAL Body Behandlung mit Schrank
SKINIAL Body Nachsorge

Healing and resting period

A healing and resting period of 4 to 8 weeks is necessary between treatments to avoid unwanted side effects.

Cost of treatment

The cost of treatment can vary depending on the location and studio. We will be happy to give you a brief estimate of the costs and the number of treatments in advance:

  • Upload a photo of your pigmentation via our enquiry form and let us know your requirements and any questions you may have.
  • You will receive an initial cost and treatment overview from us immediately.

If you are satisfied with the information, we will arrange your first appointment together!

Before and after pictures of tattoo removals




Lip contours






Tattoo artist
special techniques