Tattoo removal with SKINIAL

Removing tattoos is a craft that needs to be learnt. It requires very specialised know-how and a great deal of experience in order to achieve lasting, good results. However, not only permanent make-up artists and tattooists can learn this craft, but also beauticians, doctors and hairdressers.
Tattoo removal with SKINIAL

Our passion – your opportunity

Since 2009, SKINIAL has worked passionately to develop a holistic concept for cosmetic tattoo removal with customised training, high-quality products and services for professional providers.

Back then, cosmetic tattoo removal was still unknown. Today, everyone in the industry knows that the SKINIAL method is a safe and efficient alternative to lasers.

Hundreds of SKINIAL tattoo removal providers have helped more than 80,000 customers to correct or remove unwanted pigmentation. After all, 70% of all people with pigmentation will want to have it corrected or removed during their lives and the number is constantly increasing. Help your customers not only with pigmentation, but also with the correction and removal of tattoos and benefit from the mistakes of others at the same time.


Schmerzfreie Behandlung

Exclusive products

We develop and produce our removal fluid and all care products ourselves and sell them exclusively through our trained SKINIAL tattoo removal providers.

Geprüfte Sicherheit

Tested safe

All our methods and products comply with strict EU directives and are safety-rated worldwide.

Perfekter Service

Perfect service

Our training courses can be conveniently booked and learnt online. All SKINIAL products can be ordered in our online shop. They are delivered worldwide within a few days.

How to get started

Getting started with this promising service is possible within a few days, even without prior knowledge. All you need is a micropigmentation device, which you either already own or can purchase from us at a favourable price. Simply book our BASIC online training course and you will be able to treat your first customers in just a few days.

Online training and training with a trainer

SKINIAL training courses are based on many years of experience with thousands of satisfied customers and are available online in German, English and French. Experienced trainers are available in many cities.

Tattooentfernung Anbieter

Added value with SKINIAL

Der Mehrwert mit SKINIAL

Through the presence of your studio on our website, you will regularly receive enquiries from new customers in your region. We receive more than 50,000 distance enquiries per year from people looking for a practitioner in their area.

Der Mehrwert mit SKINIAL

You can confidentially exchange questions and experiences with all SKINIAL tattoo removal providers worldwide via a closed FACEBOOK group.

Der Mehrwert mit SKINIAL

In our SERVICE PORTAL you will find the latest manuals, the declaration of consent in 20 languages, free further training courses with dozens of treatment examples for perfection and much more.

With SKINIAL tattoo removal without laser, you can offer your customers a new and increasingly popular service. Learn the tattoo removal techniques and expand your range with a safe and effective solution for pigment removal.