There are many good reasons why one would like to lighten, remove, or correct the pigmented eyebrow. Sometimes mistakes or small “accidents” occur during pigmentation by the permanent make-up practitioner.

What are the reasons for colour changes in eyebrows?

Colour changes

In many countries, the regulations for pigments have been tightened in recent years (example: EU ECHA) so that more and more organic pigments are being used. In the past, mainly pigments whose colours had a metal core were used in the form of metal oxides. Although the colours were usually very stable, they could trigger allergies, including the dangerous nickel allergy. Therefore, organic pigments are increasingly being used worldwide, but they are not as stable over a longer period.

Pigment colours are usually a mixture of different basic colours. These are subject to a natural chemical decay process, solely due to UV radiation, which occurs at different times depending on the colour. This causes a change in the colour composition of the pigments, which results in a colour change (mixing ratio) of the eyebrow. This effect is undesirable but cannot be easily stopped.

PMU artists use different methods to counteract this. Over-pigmentation with camouflage and complementary colours is supposed to cause the light to be refracted back into the original colours. After some time, however, these pigments also break down again and the colour variety of the eyebrow becomes even greater.

After a few of these treatments at the latest, it makes sense not to inject more pigments into the eyebrow, but to remove the old pigments to apply a new permanent make-up.
Eyebrows correction

Badly pigmented eyebrows

If you have a badly pigmented eyebrow, you want to get rid of this distortion as soon as possible and either have no more pigmentation or get a better, more beautiful permanent make-up as soon as possible.
Eyebrows removal


If unwanted pigmentation has occurred due to carelessness during treatment, or if fashionable effects are undesirable after some time, or if remaining shadows (e.g., so-called dovetails …) are to be removed, lightening or removal as part of a minor correction is usually an option.
Eyebrows correction and removal

What are the treatment options?

A method often practised by PMU artists is the treatment with complementary colours. Here, a colour is again incorporated with the micropigmentation device, which in combination with the changed colour resembles the original pigment colour again.

After some time, however, the original colour and the new colour change again and due to the different oxidation and decay times of the colour mixtures, it can become colourful. In the worst case, a so-called rainbow is created due to the many different shades of colour. The customers are usually very unhappy with this.

Laser treatment

In the past, eyebrows were removed much more often with lasers. Today, this is rarely done. On the one hand, except for a few very expensive devices, the laser is far too painful on the face, and secondly, laser removal is reserved for doctors only in more and more countries. Due to the proximity to the eyes, laser treatment is too dangerous, especially when using unsuitable laser devices (too strong radiation, poorly adjusted devices) or by practitioners who have little experience.

The decisive argument against lasers for eyebrows, however, is that the heat can cauterise the hair roots of the existing hairs and afterwards you will have no eyebrow at all, and no more hairs will grow because the hair roots have been destroyed.

Laser treatment is also not recommended in terms of cost, as many treatments are often necessary.


Camouflage is a technique that can cover pigmentation, blemishes, scars, and blemishes for a period of time. While camouflage is more durable than make-up, as it is only an outer coverage it helps for events, parties but may not be a long-term solution.

Cosmetic tattoo removal without laser (SKINIAL)

Cosmetic tattoo removal without laser is a natural method in which the artificial colour pigments are permanently repelled from the skin. The way they entered the skin is the way they leave. You can find more detailed information about the method and the products HERE.

For SKINIAL, eyebrow removal is a standard treatment. Only with very high pigment density in the skin are more than 3 treatments required for removal, but often only one.

Eyebrows removing