Applications by tattoo artists

Tattoo artists use this technique for various applications. Classic applications include lightening for cover-ups, but corrections or complete removals, especially of name tattoos, are also popular. Once you understand the mechanism of action, the range of applications for tattoo artists is almost unlimited.
Tätowierer Spezialtechniken

Customer pictures

We have decided against glossy images and only use photos of our customers that have not been edited.

A medium-sized tattoo in a sensitive area on the foot with a green motif, which the tattoo artist removed with 5 SKINIAL treatments and replaced with a leaf motif.
Tätowierer Spezialtechniken Cover 7
The customer wanted two light colours within the tattoo removed. The tattoo covers the entire arm. A total of 9 delicate treatments without a laser by a SKINIAL practitioner, after which the tattoo artist re-stitched the edges. No pain, no scarring, all colours, treatment intervals (6-8 weeks) – photo 4 months after the last treatment.

Georgiana Sola
Frankfurt | GERMANY

The tattoo covered the entire back. With a total of six tattoo removals by a beautician according to precise instructions from the tattoo artist and a subsequent successful cover-up with a filigree flower motif, the team was able to make the old tattoo disappear and replace it with a beautiful, not too dominant motif. The after photo was taken three months after the last treatment.
Tätowierer Spezialtechniken Cover 8

Not only black, but also very intense colours such as red make it difficult to choose a motif for a cover-up. By lightening the skin (here 4 treatments), the choice of colours and motifs can be expanded.

Damien Epinat
Paris | FRANCE

If large, dark, flat tattoos are to be changed by a cover-up, the result is usually an even larger, even darker motif. By lightening the colour (here in 3 treatments), the tattoo artist has the option of using more colour and more motifs for the cover-up. The method does not interfere with the natural skin structure and the risk of scarring is practically non-existent. Over-tattooing is possible without any problems because the skin is uninjured, unburned and its reaction is still natural, only with less pigment.

Damien Epinat
Paris | FRANCE

Cosmetic lightening without a laser of a cover-up 25 × 30 cm with a micropigmentation device before the over-tattooing. A total of 4 treatments. No pain, no scarring, all colours, short treatment intervals (3-4 weeks).

Damien Epinat

The tattoo artist found the lightening of the larger tattoo on the stomach after 4 treatments sufficient for the intended cover-up. Final image approx. 4 weeks after the last treatment.

Tea Grubesic
Sarajevo | FRANCE

The close-up shows how a single treatment has already resulted in the removal of the pigments and the re-emergence of the natural silhouette. The after-photo was taken just three weeks after the treatment.

Virginie Moton
Bordeaux | FRANCE

Before and after pictures of tattoo removals




Lip contours






Tattoo artist
special techniques