While many doctors warn about scars from cosmetic tattoo removal, at the same time they inform their patients about possible severe scarring from laser removal in the small print.

One could sometimes think it was a religious war, so dogged are some doctors against cosmetic tattoo removal methods. They conceal or gloss over the sometimes-dramatic side effects of laser removal treatments.

Again and again, you read the same accusations, of course without any proof, which you don’t need, you are a doctor after all. The following is claimed again and again:

  • Alternative tattoo removal methods (acids, …) cause scars
  • Alternative tattoo removal methods are prohibited

Doctors like to present laser tattoo removal as the gold standard. At the same time, they conceal the dramatic effects of every laser treatment, which have been documented several times in scientific studies by the German Federal Office for Risk Assessment. (To the blog „THE LASER LIE – What you definitely didn’t know about laser treatments yet”

It is only because the medical profession controls itself and beauticians are controlled by the authorities that the results of the study were published but hardly known.

If you take a more critical look at laser treatment, you have to be wary of the consent forms used by doctors, but fortunately for the doctors, hardly anyone reads them, and you put your trust in the “gods in white”. A big mistake, as many clients have already experienced.

A representative laser doctor from Germany (website http://hautarzt-schulz.de/tattoo-entfernung/) writes in his information sheet, for example, that serious side effects up to kidney failure, seizures and brain damage can occur and he also specifically mentions the possibility of “… more severe … scarring …”. (Which you can also find as a download on the doctor’s website (see above) and in similar form at all laser doctors). You will not be treated without this signature.

Only a critical observer would notice that the same doctors who point the finger at tattoo artists and beauticians who practice cosmetic tattoo removal should themselves admit what dramatic side effects laser treatment can have.

Incorrect treatments are not that rare in laser treatments. Until 2010, this was reported in the press. Today, large law firms prevent the information from being published. The doctors are protected by their trade associations. Injured parties cannot hope for the support of the authorities, as is possible in the case of complaints against cosmeticians but have to risk expensive and protracted court proceedings. The chances of this happening are slim, which is why many people fold beforehand and allow themselves to be fobbed off with small sums of money before the case reaches the public. The press does not like to report on such cases. The doctors’ lobby makes sure of that, threatening them with lawyers and the withdrawal of advertising money.