General Conditions of the training

I. Participant Requirements The Skinial Training can only be attended by those who can prove that they have completed a cosmetic or medical education. Candidates who have many years of practical experience in the field of permanent make-up, microblading or tattooing can also participate. Please send us proof with your registration.

II. Offer, conclusion of contract, resignation The training offer of Skinial is non-binding. This also applies to the price information. The subject of the contract is the agreed activity or other service and not a success. Participants must register in writing or give a training order. The registration is binding as soon as the participant receives a written order confirmation. A resignation is only possible with the mutual consent. A one-sided resignation is not possible. If a participant can not attend the training, they can enroll another participant who meets the requirements for the training. For his part, Skinial will try to occupy the vacated space with followers, but without guarantee. In the case of involuntary refusal and if Skinial agrees, the participant can take part in a later training by paying an allowance of 500 Euro (applies up to 6 months after non-participation).

III. Terms of Payment The training fee is payable immediately after invoicing without deductions and stating the invoice number and transferred to the specified account. There is the option of partial payment in several monthly amounts, without any additional costs. The partial payments are charged monthly using the credit card used as part of your periodic billing. Skinial works within the scope of its payment function with a German provider of a secure payment platform, Computop (Computop GmbH, Scharzenbergsstrasse 4, 96050 Bamberg Germany, For the payment processing the company POS Payment Consulting, Gutenbergring 67A, D-22848 Norderstedt ( is our partner, which handles the payment on the basis of its own bank license. Thus, we can ensure the highest level of security. Your credit card details remain exclusively with the company POS Payment Consulting and are not known to us. In the event that the participant a Ust.IdentNr. indicates that the calculation of the VAT does not apply within the EU. For individuals and companies without Ust.Ident.Nr. the prices are exclusive of the statutory value added tax.

IV. Execution of events Skinial expressly reserves the right to updates and changes to the nature and extent of the training material. There is no entitlement to the performance of an event by a specific instructor or at a specific location. There is also no claim to compensation for a missed event day. Skinial reserves the right to postpone or cancel an event on short notice for reasons beyond its control, e.g. Disease of a lecturer, failure to reach the necessary number of participants, etc. Already paid participation fees will be refunded in case of event failure. Further claims on the part of the participants are not recognized.

V. Protection and copyright The documents, software and other data provided to the participant are protected by copyright. The duplication, passing on or other use of the handed over materials – also in part – is only permitted after explicit, written agreement by Skinial. Any use of the Skinial® word / figurative mark that goes beyond the certificate issued or the issued certificate (eg for advertising purposes) requires the express written consent of Skinial. Skinial removal products should only be used by trained participants, therefore distribution to persons who have not been trained by Skinial is not allowed.

VI. Liability Skinial is liable only for damages – for whatever legal reason – if it caused this damage intentionally or through gross negligence, or if it has negligently violated a material contractual obligation (“cardinal duty”). The disclaimer or the limitation of liability does not apply to damage to life, body or health, as well as to claims from a quality guarantee or according to the Product Liability Act. Tattoo removal without a laser is a new legally unregulated cosmetic treatment. Skinial is a cosmetic according to European cosmetic law. New federal and provincial laws or official regulations mean that there is a risk that the activity may be prohibited or restricted for certain occupational groups, for example. Therefore, Skinial can not guarantee any official approval of the activity. This is up to each user.

VII. Privacy Policy The Participant agrees to automatically process and store the personal information and training course information provided by Skinial for the purpose of authenticating the Participant Status. Your data will not be shared with third parties or companies. Incidentally, our extensive privacy policy that you can see here.

VIII. Miscellaneous No photo or video recordings may be made during the course by Participants or third parties, except as expressly permitted by Skinial. The duplication and distribution of the documents which are handed out to the participants in the training is forbidden and leads automatically to a contractual penalty of 1.000 Euro per image / page. Part of the contract is the valid Skinial training folder. (Severability clause) If individual parts of the contract are not part of the contract or have become ineffective, the contract remains otherwise valid.

IX. Scope These terms and conditions apply to all legal persons.

X. Jurisdiction, Place of Performance, Applicable Law The place of jurisdiction for the assertion of claims for both parties is Frankfurt am Main. The place of performance for all obligations arising from the contract is also Frankfurt am Main. The contractual relationship and all legal relationships hereunder are exclusively subject to German law to the exclusion of conflict of laws of international private law (IPR) and the UN Sales Convention (CISG)

Copyright © All rights reserved. The contents of this website are protected by copyright. The copyright and the rights of use for all graphics, photographs and texts used in the presentation are owned by Skinial AG. Further use is not permitted without explicit permission. Without written permission, the content of this site may not be reproduced in any form or processed, duplicated or distributed using electronic systems.